Monday, June 20, 2011

Thing # 15

I had been trying to add something to sandbox page for a ridiculous amount of time and could not figure it out. The computers in the lab would not let me edit the page for some reason and that was so frustrating. Looking at the posts others have made I am not the only one that lost some sanity in attempts to complete this "thing." For some reason it worked from home so, I am thankful for that. If anyone else is having problems it seemed to work after I gave it a couple of hours and tried from somewhere Good luck:) I was informed today(thank you Dr. Jerles) that WIKI actually, stand for "What I know is." I think they have the potential to be fun but this was not a good experience and so I am a little irritated with them. I am sure I will get over it....someday!


  1. I'm SO glad I'm not alone! I can edit anything or really do anything else for that matter!! Frustrating indeed. Did you have to create an account or sign in?

  2. OK. thank you I actually tried that and reset the password and i still can't get in maybe i will wait a while and try again later. I have only been trying to do this for 10 min. But thank you wish i would have read this before i got FRUSTRATED!
